Why Accident Insurance?

Because it's possible to plan for the events you least expect.

It's a fact that preventable injuries are now the third leading cause of death in the US with the economic impact exceeding $1,059.9 Billion. Yikes! Accidents happen when you least expect them - at home, at work, when playing or while traveling.

$2,000-4,000 Accident Coverage for On or Off the Job Accidents

$25,000 or $50,000 Accidental Death Benefit Included

Pays in Addition to Any Other Insurance You May Already Have

Pay toward medical expenses, accidental death, air and ground ambulance, daily hosiptal confinement, and accidental dismemberment. Two simple plan options for you and/or your family.


Surity Select member perks could save you $500 a year or more!

Your future will thank you!